- 8.1.3. Company & System Settings System Settings - 8.1.3. Company & System Settings
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The System Settings tab allows you to configure various settings of your site. Most of these settings will be configured during your training session and or long before you go live. You may need to visit the System Settings tab on occasion to make some adjustments to your site.
System Settings Fields | Description |
Number of items to show in primary lists (i.e. proposals, customer, vendors): | This controls the number of items that will be displayed in primary lists such as the Proposal, Customer and Vendor lists. |
Number of items to show in secondary lists (i.e. customer contacts, customer locations, discounts, etc): | The controls the number of items that are displayed in secondary lists such as Locations and Contacts. |
Your company Logos: | Use the [upload] link to locate and upload your company logo files. The logo files must be in jpeg (.jpg) format. There is no limit on the number of logo files you can upload. Once uploaded you can select which logo is to appear on your proposals, purchase orders and customer invoices. |
Your Company Docs: | Use the [upload] link to locate and upload company documents. There is no limit to the number of company documents you can upload. See below for details. |
Default product for vendor freight charges: | A product/service must be selected here to define the product/service to be used for vendor freight charges because DealerChoice can create these proposal line items during proposal finalization. The product/service definition includes the income and expense account to be used and the tax rules to be applied. |
Default product for vendor small order fees: | A product/service must be selected here to define the product/service to be used for vendor freight charges because DealerChoice can create these proposal line items during proposal finalization. The product/service definition includes the income and expense account to be used and the tax rules to be applied. |
Default product for vendor fuel charges: | A product/service must be selected here to define the product/service to be used for vendor freight charges because DealerChoice can create these proposal line items during proposal finalization. The product/service definition includes the income and expense account to be used and the tax rules to be applied. |
Default product for CBD fees: | A product/service must be selected here to define the product/service to be used for vendor freight charges because DealerChoice can create these proposal line items during proposal finalization. The product/service definition includes the income and expense account to be used and the tax rules to be applied. |
Outgoing Mail/Fax queue: | The Mail/Fax queue can be disabled with this control. By default the queue should always be Enabled. If you need to disable the queue, you can change this setting to Disabled. |
Force Non-SSL Requests to SSL? | This setting allows you to force connections to your site to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection between the client and server. This type of connection encrypts the data sent between machines. If this feature is in use, you may see a warning message regarding the security certificate presented by the website. This is a warning message only and you should select the "Continue to this website" option to continue using the secure connection. |
Require items to be received in order to map on A/P line item? | If you use the line item mapping option when entering Payables (vendor invoices) and if this control is set to Yes, line items cannot be received individually unless they have a received date entered (purchase order acknowledgement information). The line item selection check box will be grayed out if it has not be received. The payable can still be entered, but not via line item mapping. |
Proposal status options: | Through this control, you can create custom proposal status messages and assign them to your proposals. The custom proposal status messages appear in the Proposal List under the Status column title. See below for details on adding Proposal Status message to your site. |
Default new customers to manual credit hold? | This control allows you to force new customers to have the Manual Credit Hold flag set when a new customer is added to the Customer database. You may want this control set to Yes if you need time to check credit references or to allow time for receiving documentation from your customers prior to allowing purchase orders to be created. If this control is set to No then new customers will not have the Manual Credit hold flag set automatically when they are created. |
Activate Item Library? | The Item Library feature stores the Vendor Name, Item Number, Item Description and Item List Price for you as you manually enter line items into a proposal or when you import line items into a proposal. If this feature is set to 'Yes', then the information noted above will be saved into the database. Then, as you begin to enter an Item Number in the Item No field on the Item Details tab of Proposals, if any matches are found in the Item Library database, a drop down selection window will appear allowing you to select that item from the list provided. You must enter the vendor name and select the Product before entering the Item Number. The Item Description and Item List Price fields will be populated with the information from the Item Library database for you. If this feature is set to 'No', then no item information will be stored and there will be no selection options available when manually entering line items on Proposals. |
Number of days between the ship date and install date to display storage request notification warning: | Setting a number of days here check the Ship date against the Install date and if the range is greater than the value set here, the Install Date will appear with an asterisk on the Project Status report to warning you of the time between ship date and install date. |
Number of days prior to a bill coming due to place it in the payment queue? | This control will automatically flag a payable for payment if it has not manually been flagged for payment if the due date on the payable is within the number of days set here. |
When a customer refund is created, how many days until it should be placed in the payment queue? | This control will automatically flag a customer refund for payment if it has not manually been flagged for payment if the due date on the refund is within the number of days set here. |
In which timezone does your company reside? | Select the time zone that you are in for proper date/time stamping on your documents. |
How long (in minutes) should DealerChoice wait before logging out an inactive user? | This control will automatically log out a users session after the period entered here has been reached an no activity has been logged in that session. |
How to format date stamps: | Select the format that you wish for the date to appear on documents. |
How to format timestamps: | Select the format that you wish for the time to appear on documents. |
How many days should a proposal wait before being archived? | Set the number of days here for your proposals to be automatically archived. Any proposal that has no activity logged within this timeframe will automatically be archived. |
After a new proposal is created, how many days until it is no longer valid? | This is the default date that will appear on the Expiration Date field on the Project Info tab on proposals. The default is 30 days. This control will print a message at the bottom of your proposals saying that the proposal pricing is invalid after X days. |
Allow users to modify customer invoice date upon creation: | If this control is set to No, then the invoice date field will be locked when creating customer invoices and will default to today's date. If it is set to Yes, the users will be allowed to pre or post date customer invoices. |
Once a purchase order has been invoiced, should it be locked to prevent changes? | This control will lock editing of purchase orders if the product on the purchase has been invoiced to the customer. If it is set to Yes, then the purchase order cannot be edited, if it is set to No, then the purchase order can be edited. |
Allow customer login: | For future development, this will allow your customers to log into you site to view customer specific data that you allow to be viewed. |
Allow Employee Login: | This control allows you to lock you site down. If set to Login Allowed then users can login to your site, if set to Login Disabled, the your users cannot log into your site. |
Customer credit correction codes: | Customer credit correction codes must be created before a customer credit can be generated and are used to issue a customer a credit memo. Each correction code can be used to identify the reason for the credit being issued, as well as the chart of account that is affected by the credit. See below for details. |
Field customization: | For Future Development (Custom Reporting Fields). This control allows you to add input fields and or check box fields to Proposals, Customers and Vendors. Custom fields can be added now and they are intended for use with the Custom Reporting function. The Custom Reporting function will allow you to select specific fields to be used as filters to run your reports. This feature will include and customer fields that you have created. See below for details. |
Posting date to use when entering new payables | This control allows you to select the Invoice date or the Receipt for the posting date when entering vendor invoices. This control is set to Invoice date by default and should remain as the posting date per the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. |
Your Company Docs:
You can upload documents to the database to be used as attachments on your proposals, purchase orders, customer invoices and delivery tickets. Uploaded documents must be in either PDF or DOC format. You can upload your Terms and Conditions document and attach it to Proposals so ever proposal you email or fax from DealerChoice will include your T&C's document as an attachment. You can even upload sales flyers if you wish.
After selecting your document to upload you can specify it to be appended to outgoing documents. You can select if it is to be attached to Proposals, Purchase Orders, Customer Invoices and Delivery tickets. When you email or fax from DealerChoice, the specified document(s) will be included as attachments to that document.
Proposal Status Options
To add a Proposal Status message, click on the [edit list] link and the Edit List window will open. If any proposal status messages have been entered, they will be displayed in this window. To Edit an existing status, just click on the status in the list.
Click on the [add new] link to add a status and the Status input box will appear. Enter the name of your status, select the color that you want the text to appear in and select whether or not you want the text to appear in bold.
Click on the Save button to save your new status and your status will now appear in the list and is ready to be assigned to proposals in the Proposal Status field on the Project Info tab. We created the status called New Status and saved it and it now appears in our list of available Proposal Status messages as shown below.
Customer Credit Correction Codes
Corrections codes must be defined before a credit can be issued. If any correction codes exist, you can click on that code to view and edit the details of that code. Click on the [edit list] link to open the Edit Correction Code window to view, edit or add correction codes.
To add a new correction code click on the [add new code] link to open the Edit Correction Code input window.
Correction Code Fields | Description |
Description | Enter a text description of the credit reason, for example; Customer Returns or Product Damage |
Active? | By default the Active flag is set, if you no longer wish to use this code, uncheck this field and the credit will no longer be available for selection when customer credits are being entered. |
Correction Code | Enter a brief code to identify this credit reason, for example; C-RET for customer returns. |
Income/Expense Account | Select the income or expense account that will be affected by this credit. The drop down selection box will allow you to view all of your income and expense accounts defined in your Chart of Accounts. |
Save | Click the Save button to save your credit code. |
Now the correction code you have created can be used when entering customer credits.
Field Customization
This control allows you to create custom input fields that will appear in the specified tab for Proposals, CUstomers and Vendors database windows. Click on the [customize fields] link to open the Custom Field Editor window. Select the form that you want to add a custom field to by clicking on the drop down selection box under the Section header and the available tabs will be displayed.
You can add custom fields to Proposals, Customers and Vendors.
Under Proposals, you can add fields to the Project Info tab, Design tab and Install Info tab.
Under Customers, you can add fields to the General Info tab, Payment Info tab, Contacts tab and Locations tab.
Under Vendors, you can add fields to the General Info tab, Payment Info tab, Contacts tab, Locations tab and Products tab.
In the example below, we will add a field to Proposals, Project Info tab. We have selected Proposals in the Section selection box and we have clicked on the Project Info frame.
Custom Field Editor Fields | Description |
Field Name | Enter the text description for this field. This text will appear in the tab you have selected as the input field prompt text. |
Active? | By default new fields are active. If you no longer wish to use this field, un check this box and the field will no longer appear on the tab. |
Field Type | Select the type of field you are adding. The options are; Text Input Box, Drop Down Selection Box, Multiple Select Box, Check Box and Scrolling Comment box. See below for details on each of these selections. |
Sample | This field displays an example of the field type you have selected above. This gives you a visual example of how the new field will look. |
Max Length | Enter a number for the maximum number of characters for this field. This field is only presented on input type field types, selection type fields have pre-defined values that are selected from the entries stored in the Pre-Populated input field. The user can only select from the options you enter here for selection type fields. |
Required | This check box allows you to determine if the field you are adding must be populated by the user, if check. If unchecked, this field may be left blank. |
Field Width | You can specify a field width for the expected input data. If you leave this field blank DealerChoice will manage the field width for you. |
Field Height | You can specify a field height for the expected input data. If you leave this field blank DealerChoice will manage the field height for you. |
Default Value | Any text entered here will be the default data that appears in the field. If this data will be the same most of the time it is best to enter it here. |
Sector | Only available for Proposals. The proposal tabs are separated by frames or sectors. You can choose which sector your custom field is to appear in by selecting the appropriate sector. |
[sector layout map] | Clicking on this link will display the proposal tab with each sector numbered to help you decide on which sector your field is to be added to. |
Position | You can choose the position of your custom field by selection the position here. If you add a second field and want it to appear before the first field you created, you can just change the position of the fields. |
Save button | Click on the Save button to save your custom field information. |
After saving your customer field (and it is set as Active), the new field will appear on the selected tab/sector immediately and is available for use. If you do not want your custom field to be used, you can un-check the Active flag.
If you do want to remove a custom field, simply click on the Section and tab name that the field was added to, then click on the field to open the field details. Click on the Remove button to delete the field. The Remove button is shown in the example below.
- System Settings
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